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Chamelli Jhappan, Ph.D.

Program Director
Division of Cancer Biology (DCB)

Dr. Chamelli Jhappan has expertise in oncogenic RNA viruses, hematopoietic malignancies, multidrug resistance in cancer, and nervous system regulation of cancer. She manages a portfolio of grants focusing on hematological malignancies, such as leukemia and lymphoma.

Along with her DCB responsibilities, Dr. Jhappan is also a member of the trans-NCI Aging and Cancer Committee and the Pancreatic Cancer Action Planning Group.


Research Programs

Dr. Jhappan also manages a DCB research program and is also involved in an NIH Common Fund program:



Prior to DCB, Dr. Jhappan worked as a staff scientist in a molecular biology laboratory in the Intramural Research Program (IRP) of NIH.  

She came to DCB to help move science forward and to be able to interact with cancer researchers. Dr. Jhappan says “encouraging and informing the research community of what’s going on in other fields helps us take more efficient approaches to research.”



  • Ph.D, Biochemistry, Georgetown University 

