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CSBC Associate Membership

The CSBC offers the opportunity for Associate Membership to those who are not currently funded through a CSBC award. Associate members can engage in CSBC activities and potentially form collaborations with CSBC-funded investigators.

Who Can Apply?

Domestic or foreign investigators, as well as advocates, who are not directly supported through a CSBC award, but are involved in research and activities related to cancer systems biology.

Those who are already supported by an active CSBC award are not eligible.

Activities and Expectations of CSBC Associate Members

  • Actively engage in collaborative discussion, projects, and other CSBC activities as non-voting members. Activities include contributing to working groups, attending annual meetings, and participating in monthly Steering Committee meetings.
  • Expected to uphold the spirit of openness that has been cultivated within the CSBC regarding presenting cutting-edge research, and agree not to discuss unpublished ideas and data presented outside of the consortium.
  • Expected to abide by all pertinent NIH and NCI policies as well as any additional CSBC-specific policies, as approved by the CSBC Steering Committee.
  • Encouraged to pursue collaborations with CSBC Members and shall include or acknowledge individual CSBC investigators on resulting publications, and abide by standard community data and resource sharing practices (i.e., Associate Members should not analyze or publish non-public data without the consent of the data generators).
  • Not required to attend CSBC related meetings.
  • Invited to actively contribute to scientific discussions. It is expected that Associate Members, CSBC investigators and administrators will work with inclusivity and respect for one another within a supportive and open environment. The importance of scientific discourse from differing viewpoints is valuable when discussing research directions and progress.
  • Failure to abide by the rules and policies may result in suspension or termination of Associate Membership.

Associate Membership must be renewed yearly.

How to Become a CSBC Associate Member?

  • Fill out a CSBC Associate Membership application.
  • Identify a current CSBC Investigator who will act as a sponsor and will provide a letter of support via this form.
  • Applications will be reviewed by NCI CSBC Program Staff.

Contact for CSBC Associate Membership

If you have questions about CSBC Associate Membership or need assistance in identifying an appropriate CSBC sponsor, please reach out to Dr. Hannah Dueck ([email protected]).

  • Updated:

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