Technology - Cancer Currents Blog
News and commentaries on technology used to conduct cancer research, deliver cancer treatment, improve patient care, and screen for cancer, as well as other topics.
High-Magnification Microscopy Visualizes Tumor Blood Vessels in Real Time
High-powered intravital microscopy reveals that 50 percent of blood vessels in melanoma tumors do not have any blood flow, according to a new study.
NCI-DOE Collaboration Paving Way for Large-Scale Computational Cancer Science
NCI and the Department of Energy have entered into a collaboration to develop a plan to use large-scale computing to influence cancer science and, ultimately, clinical treatment.
Opportunities in Cancer Nanotechnology: A Conversation with NCI’s Dr. Piotr Grodzinski
The director of NCI's Office of Cancer Nanotechnology Research discusses the Cancer Nanotechnology Plan 2015, as well as new developments and clinical opportunities in the field.
CPTAC, the Complementary Sibling of TCGA: An Interview with Dr. Henry Rodriguez about NCI’s Proteomics Program
Dr. Henry Rodriguez explains the goals and future directions of CPTAC, a collaborative consortium of institutions and investigators who study cancer proteomics.
For Some Children with Cancer, Genomic Information May Help Guide Treatment Decisions
Genomic methods, such as DNA sequencing, may help doctors manage the treatment of children and young adults with cancer.
Microscopy Advances Open Up New Avenues of Cancer Discovery
Today’s high-powered microscopes are allowing researchers to study the fine details of individual cells and to peer into cells, opening up new avenues of discovery about the inner workings of cells, including the events that can cause healthy cells to transform into cancer cells.