Leadership & Expert Views - Cancer Currents Blog
Commentaries from scientific leaders at NCI and other institutions about cancer research topics, programs, and initiatives.
Bringing Cancer Research to the Public: NCI’s Networks and Programs
A number of NCI programs and networks are the foundation of the National Cancer Program and play a critical role in promoting progress.
Progress against Cancer: The Role of Basic Science
Acting NCI Director Doug Lowy, M.D., discusses the critical contribution of basic science in fostering progress against cancer.
Cancer Trends: Influencing Care and Research Priorities
Many of the trends being seen in cancer are changing how we view cancer and how we address it, from prompting research to identify the underlying causes of cancers increasing in incidence to informing research on treatment and prevention.
CPTAC, the Complementary Sibling of TCGA: An Interview with Dr. Henry Rodriguez about NCI’s Proteomics Program
Dr. Henry Rodriguez explains the goals and future directions of CPTAC, a collaborative consortium of institutions and investigators who study cancer proteomics.
NCI Releases Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 2017
The NCI Annual Plan and Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 2017 provides an overview of NCI’s priorities and key initiatives and the institute’s funding request.
Overdiagnosis of Cancer: Bringing an Important Problem into Focus
Experts are convening for a conference on the dilemmas posed by overdiagnosis in many types of diseases. Overdiagnosis is generally defined as the diagnosis of a disease or condition that is unlikely to ever cause harm.
New Research: Using Lung Cancer Screening As An Opportunity to Help Smokers Quit
NCI has released a new funding announcement to stimulate research on optimal smoking cessation approaches delivered in conjunction with lung cancer screening.
Enhancing the Clinical Trials Search Function on Cancer.gov
The enhanced clinical trials search function on Cancer.gov will allow users to more easily find accurate and timely information about active and recruiting NCI-supported clinical trials.
At NCI, A Continued Commitment to Supporting the Best Science
Yesterday, at the AACR annual meeting, Dr. Doug Lowy spoke directly to the research community about his goals as NCI Acting Director. Dr. Lowy said that he plans to continue many of the programs launched by his predecessor, Dr. Harold Varmus, and to sharpen the institute’s focus in several areas where he believes greater progress can offer significant dividends.
Future Directions for NCI’s Surveillance Research Program
Since the early 1970s, NCI’s SEER program has been an invaluable resource for statistics on cancer in the United States. For the past several years, SEER researchers have been working toward a much broader and comprehensive goal for providing cancer statistics on a nationwide basis.
Advancing Cancer Care Delivery Research in the Next Decade
A more substantial and coordinated effort is needed to advance the science of cancer care delivery to help address the complex problems facing our health care systems. In response, NCI has created a new Healthcare Delivery Research Program (HDRP) to strengthen its support and coordination of research in ways that both improve survival and enhance patient care experiences.
Facilitating Research, Fueling Collaboration: Dr. Frank McCormick on the RAS Initiative
Frank McCormick, Ph.D., talks about the history, the challenges, and the future of research on RAS gene mutations, which drive more than 30 percent of all human cancers.
A Message to the Cancer Research Community
Doug Lowy, M.D., a long-time researcher and leader at NCI, greets the cancer research community as the institute's new acting director.
The Importance of Cancer Prevention Research and its Challenges
Barry Kramer, M.D., M.P.H., talks about NCI's efforts for improving cancer prevention and early detection, two topics discussed in the documentary film, Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies.
Looking to the Future of Childhood Cancer Research
NCI’s Dr. Malcolm Smith discusses future directions of childhood cancer research, including treatment directions and clinical trials.
A Week of Excitement and Hope: Communicating the Story of Cancer
Peter Garrett, acting director of NCI's communications office, discusses the Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer and activities surrounding the broadcast of the documentary film, Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies.
"Flipping the Switch": An Interview with Dr. Mark Gilbert, Chief of NIH’s Neuro-Oncology Branch
NCI's Dr. Mark Gilbert discusses new developments in neuro-oncology and the priorities of the Neuro-Oncology Branch.
Precision Medicine Initiative® and Cancer Research
Under the Precision Medicine Initiative, NCI is working to accelerate the pace of research that will help identify which treatments work best for which patients.
Building on Opportunities in Cancer Research: NCI’s Annual Plan and Budget Proposal for FY 2016
NCI’s Director, Dr. Harold Varmus, introduces the NCI Annual Plan and Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 2016.