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Patient Advocate Steering Committee

Patient Advocate Steering Committee

The Patient Advocate Steering Committee (PASC) works to ensure that advocates who are members of the scientific steering committees (SSCs) and their task forces (TFs) are effectively and consistently integrated with the development and evaluation of clinical trials within those groups. PASC membership is composed of the patient advocate members of the SSCs and TFs. View the PASC member roster as of November 04, 2024.

Committee Activities

The PASC meets bi-monthly by conference call and approximately every 18 months in-person to work on the following:

  • Develop and share best practices for patient advocate interactions in scientific steering committees
  • Identify and address common issues and requirements for patient advocates
  • Identify training needs and work with appropriate bodies to develop and implement training
  • Communicate information from and to Task Force advocates
  • Ensure that the concept evaluations include consideration for the patient community at large with a special focus on minority and underserved populations


For more information, contact NCI CCCT Program Director, Elena Schwartz, Ph.D. at [email protected]
